Use Spice Blends to Amaze Your Family
When packaged foods arrived on the scene, it wasn’t unusual for marketing campaigns to pitch them as a way to make your family think you spent hours on preparing the evening meal when you didn’t. The way they told it, you could sit back and watch your soaps on television and eat bonbons all day and your family wouldn’t be the wiser. That trick typically doesn’t work anymore, but there is still a secret weapon you can use to amaze your family without putting in a ton of time: spice blends!
Imagine a spaghetti sauce your toddler will love (to eat and to wear, of course) and the rest of the family is astounded that it doesn’t taste like typical jarred sauce. You don’t even have to make the sauce from scratch. Just add a few extra ingredients, including a nice spice blend, and you have an original creation. Spice blends can help you do this with just about anything. Kicking up your fried chicken recipe with a spice blend in the flour and sprinkling spice blends liberally on a roast are two great examples.
Another nice thing about spice blends is they let you avoid having a cupboard full of individual spices. One bottle of an all-purpose seasoning, for example, replaces 10 or more individual ones. You’ll save time not needing to sort through them all when you are preparing dinner.
An important note about spice blends is that you’ll be happiest when you choose ones that have all-natural ingredients clearly listed on the bottle. You’ll feel good about what you are feeding your family. At Avonya’s Blends, we offer an all-purpose seasoning and a seafood seasoning that are sure to help you amaze your family, be it spaghetti night, a seafood boil, or something else. Every ingredient is listed on the label, and our spice blends are vegan and gluten-free.